Bij TMF chat stond een berichtje wat ik toevallig las: "V-Town de gekste! grt rick."
Lekker Zwier, ik zou ook Tatjana doen.
G-Ziña schreef: Bij TMF chat stond een berichtje wat ik toevallig las: "V-Town de gekste! grt rick."
Maar d'r zit helemaal geen Rick bij de GSV.
En hop, amice Klei op pagina 2 van het ND van vandaag, in de 'kwestie Klei'.
Mocht je in de supermarkt of de Bruna nog een kijk zien liggen, kijk dan even snel op pagina 17.
Nou nou, Rinze liep zijn studiebeurs behoorlijk te verdrinken daar in café Dudok.
Wat is nou?
Die Els B ook, werkt op afdeling normeringsbeleid/topinkomens Buitenlandse Zaken. Altijd handig als je op zoek bent naar een gunstig ambtenarensalaris.
Onlangs ben ik samen met Wietze en nog twee andere studenten naar Hong Kong geweest. Hier namen we deel aan een business plan challenge. Voor wie het interessant vindt, en/of zelf wel eens mee wil doen aan een business plan wedstrijd in Hong Kong, staat op Nestor een kort verslag:
ps. Je moet inloggen op Nestor. Ik weet niet zeker of mensen die geen lid zijn van de Faculty of Economics and Business het artikel kunnen bekijken, ik zou zeggen probeer het eens uit.
Gemak dient de mens, daarom hieronder het complete artikel zoals dat op Nestor staat.
The FaceCareer Team in Hong Kong: Dream, believe and don’t give up
It was the 4th of June when ‘The FaceCareer Team’ departed to Asia’s capital, Hong Kong, to start a memorable and highly enlightening journey. The reason of their voyage to Hong Kong was an international business plan competition called the ‘Global Student Challenge’ (GSC) organised by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Chinese Corporate World.
[See also the column of Frido, Wietze, Michael and Roel in April's Nestor Faculty News]
After a long flight, we arrived in Hong Kong at 7.30 a.m. where we were greeted by the PolyU Ambassadors. Later that day, a welcome reception was organised by the GSC in order to meet the other semi-finalist teams. After an hour of talking and networking, we immediately noticed the high competitive atmosphere of each university team. And that this competition would not be an easy win. After the welcome reception, we had to leave to meet up with an RUG-alumnus. He brought us to his house and introduced us to his family. In addition, he brought us to the border with China where we were able to see Shenzhen. This city used to be a growing textile city with only a few million inhabitants. Now the city has over eleven million people and the textile industry has been moved to Vietnam and been replaced by the high-tech industry.
The 7th of June was a big day as we had to present our idea in the semi-finals. We were the first ones to present. Once the presentation finished, a professional judging panel asked us some tough questions and provided feedback on our presentation. We noticed that the judges were positive about our concept and presentation but unfortunately this was not enough. After the presentation of our competitors (Canada, United States, United Kingdom and China) we were surprised at the high level of innovativeness of the business ideas. Complete prototypes along with award prizes were presented by the other teams. In the end, the John Hopkins University took the first prize with their idea called SurgyPack.
The following days were experienced as astonishing. We organized a RUG-alumni dinner at a Dutch restaurant. During this dinner we talked, among others, with the founder of Rabobank Hong Kong and his wife. This dinner was a big success and resulted in an invitation to have lunch with them the next day at the Royal Yacht Club of Hong Kong. The next day’s lunch was a spectacular but short experience as we had to hurry to the visa office. Later that day, we were invited to Dongguan (China Mainland), one of China’s most famous production conglomerates, to visit a jewellery factory and the largest glasses manufacturer in the world. Last, but not least, we were invited to visit the home of the son of the former Minister of Propaganda of China. It was astonishing to view pictures of his father with Mao Zedong and other party leaders.
All in all, it was a great experience and the great part was that we totally did not expect to experience all these events. Our trip to Asia really made us aware of the great economic power of China, their entrepreneurial spirit and that there is a big challenge ahead of us. Throughout the GSC, we did not only feel that we were representing the University of Groningen. In fact, we were representing the Netherlands!
In the end, this whole experience confirmed the following:
Dream, believe and don’t give up!
If you want to participate with your business plan in the GSC of 2011, then sign up before October the 1st. Experience it yourself, sign up at
goed bezig vriend!
Heleen Kelder gespot op pagina 2 van de zomerbijlage van het Nederlands Dagblad. Een heel stuk over het recreatieteam op De Kleine Belties.
Haha, Octr heeft een werkreisje gemaakt.
Nee, pagina 2 van de zomerbijlage he.. Maar ik heb wel een werkreisje gemaakt, iets verder. Zie de krant van morgen voor het resultaat. :)
Maakt toch geen zak uit welke bijlage? Jij werkt toch gewoon op redactie no. 2? Laat me trouwens dat werkreisje even raden, ben je bij pastoor Paul geweest voor een diepte-interview?
Haha, supertof Auke. Kan er niks van verstaan, maar ziet er heel wijs uit! :)
APS: Henk-Jan Nanninga wint Master Thesis Award Accountancy 2010
Bij TMF chat stond een berichtje wat ik toevallig las: "V-Town de gekste! grt rick."
Lekker Zwier, ik zou ook Tatjana doen.
Maar d'r zit helemaal geen Rick bij de GSV.
En hop, amice Klei op pagina 2 van het ND van vandaag, in de 'kwestie Klei'.
Mocht je in de supermarkt of de Bruna nog een kijk zien liggen, kijk dan even snel op pagina 17.
Nou nou, Rinze liep zijn studiebeurs behoorlijk te verdrinken daar in café Dudok.
Wat is nou?
Die Els B ook, werkt op afdeling normeringsbeleid/topinkomens Buitenlandse Zaken. Altijd handig als je op zoek bent naar een gunstig ambtenarensalaris.
Onlangs ben ik samen met Wietze en nog twee andere studenten naar Hong Kong geweest. Hier namen we deel aan een business plan challenge. Voor wie het interessant vindt, en/of zelf wel eens mee wil doen aan een business plan wedstrijd in Hong Kong, staat op Nestor een kort verslag:
ps. Je moet inloggen op Nestor. Ik weet niet zeker of mensen die geen lid zijn van de Faculty of Economics and Business het artikel kunnen bekijken, ik zou zeggen probeer het eens uit.
Gemak dient de mens, daarom hieronder het complete artikel zoals dat op Nestor staat.
The FaceCareer Team in Hong Kong: Dream, believe and don’t give up
It was the 4th of June when ‘The FaceCareer Team’ departed to Asia’s capital, Hong Kong, to start a memorable and highly enlightening journey. The reason of their voyage to Hong Kong was an international business plan competition called the ‘Global Student Challenge’ (GSC) organised by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Chinese Corporate World.
[See also the column of Frido, Wietze, Michael and Roel in April's Nestor Faculty News]
After a long flight, we arrived in Hong Kong at 7.30 a.m. where we were greeted by the PolyU Ambassadors. Later that day, a welcome reception was organised by the GSC in order to meet the other semi-finalist teams. After an hour of talking and networking, we immediately noticed the high competitive atmosphere of each university team. And that this competition would not be an easy win. After the welcome reception, we had to leave to meet up with an RUG-alumnus. He brought us to his house and introduced us to his family. In addition, he brought us to the border with China where we were able to see Shenzhen. This city used to be a growing textile city with only a few million inhabitants. Now the city has over eleven million people and the textile industry has been moved to Vietnam and been replaced by the high-tech industry.
The 7th of June was a big day as we had to present our idea in the semi-finals. We were the first ones to present. Once the presentation finished, a professional judging panel asked us some tough questions and provided feedback on our presentation. We noticed that the judges were positive about our concept and presentation but unfortunately this was not enough. After the presentation of our competitors (Canada, United States, United Kingdom and China) we were surprised at the high level of innovativeness of the business ideas. Complete prototypes along with award prizes were presented by the other teams. In the end, the John Hopkins University took the first prize with their idea called SurgyPack.
The following days were experienced as astonishing. We organized a RUG-alumni dinner at a Dutch restaurant. During this dinner we talked, among others, with the founder of Rabobank Hong Kong and his wife. This dinner was a big success and resulted in an invitation to have lunch with them the next day at the Royal Yacht Club of Hong Kong. The next day’s lunch was a spectacular but short experience as we had to hurry to the visa office. Later that day, we were invited to Dongguan (China Mainland), one of China’s most famous production conglomerates, to visit a jewellery factory and the largest glasses manufacturer in the world. Last, but not least, we were invited to visit the home of the son of the former Minister of Propaganda of China. It was astonishing to view pictures of his father with Mao Zedong and other party leaders.
All in all, it was a great experience and the great part was that we totally did not expect to experience all these events. Our trip to Asia really made us aware of the great economic power of China, their entrepreneurial spirit and that there is a big challenge ahead of us. Throughout the GSC, we did not only feel that we were representing the University of Groningen. In fact, we were representing the Netherlands!
In the end, this whole experience confirmed the following:
Dream, believe and don’t give up!
If you want to participate with your business plan in the GSC of 2011, then sign up before October the 1st. Experience it yourself, sign up at
goed bezig vriend!
Heleen Kelder gespot op pagina 2 van de zomerbijlage van het Nederlands Dagblad. Een heel stuk over het recreatieteam op De Kleine Belties.
Haha, Octr heeft een werkreisje gemaakt.
Nee, pagina 2 van de zomerbijlage he.. Maar ik heb wel een werkreisje gemaakt, iets verder. Zie de krant van morgen voor het resultaat. :)
Maakt toch geen zak uit welke bijlage? Jij werkt toch gewoon op redactie no. 2? Laat me trouwens dat werkreisje even raden, ben je bij pastoor Paul geweest voor een diepte-interview?
Haha, supertof Auke. Kan er niks van verstaan, maar ziet er heel wijs uit! :)
APS: Henk-Jan Nanninga wint Master Thesis Award Accountancy 2010 ... ageIndex=1Gefeliciteerd Henk-Jan