
Dear All,

The Fellowship evening of this month is coming up!!!!
Friday 25 April Dr. Dirk bezemer, professor at the RUG will be speaking on the theme: A Christian in the Academic World, Challenges and Opportunities.
We welcome you all to this evening
Where: CCG-Johan de Witstraat 2
when: 25 April, 20:00, 19:30 coffee/tea and cookies: get to know each other...

We hope to see you there!!!!

Een beetje aanvullende info:

Hello everyone,

We are so glad to let you know that at the coming Fellowship Evening we will have Dr. Dirk Bezemer from RuG to share with us his experience and wisdom as a Christian scholar. The topic will be A Christian in the Academic World, Challenges and Opportunities.

The reason why we have this topic is that we understand the challenge of being a Christian among professors and fellow students who look up to rationality and often refuse to build their confidence in things beyond reason. We also understand the burning desire in Christians’ hearts to share God’s love among these people. God is so good and faithful. He has wisdom beyond what we could even imagine. We have experienced so much of Him in our daily life. But how could we convey the world of God’s existence and His goodness? How could we, as Christians, live a God-loving way of life among the world where God is usually not recognized? Bring your questions to the coming Fellowship Evening and feel free to share your feelings. A time for group discussion and praying will be granted at the end of the sermon. Let’s be together and encourage each other to live an abundant and fruitful life!

Lijkt me mooi, maar helaas: batavierenrace...